Notre Histoire
NISHANE est l'unique et première Maison de parfumerie de niche fondée à Istanbul. Son approche de l'art olfactif, dont témoignent chacune de ses créations, a depuis été célébrée dans le monde entier.
Inspired by the rooted traditions, modern vision and the cosmopolitan structure of Istanbul that has embraced so many civilizations; NISHANE is ready to be the indicator of the value you put on yourself and your loved ones with unique and sophisticated fragrances and elegant touch of its artistic collections designed with utmost care. This is an offer of exclusivity sense deriving from a rooted culture.
Bearing in mind that a delicate sprinkle of scent has the capacity to kindle valued reminiscences along with enlightening feelings, NISHANE proudly presents its collections to the world and is delighted to see the unending appreciation of the perfume lovers around the world that made the brand one of the most celebrated, most widespread and the best-selling niche perfume brands of the world.
Each NISHANE fragrance is designed as a tribute to different emotions and moods to ensure cherished moments to remember. NISHANE sees the perfume creation as an important form of art and is gaining a big reputation by storytelling with perfumes. "Collection Rumi" inspired by the quotes of Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî, "Shadow Play Trilogy" inspired by the traditional shadow play also known as "Karagöz & Hacivat", "Collection Imaginative" inspired by the novella "The Little Prince", and "No Boundaries Collection" designed to give the hopeful message of terminating all the emotional borders between the people of the world are the examples of the storytelling by perfumes. Not only NISHANE is telling stories with these collections but also many of the scents in these collections have started to be defined as "iconic scents" by many like HACIVAT, ANI, HUNDRED SILENT WAYS, FAN YOUR FLAMES etc.
NISHANE means mark, sign or symbol. NISHANE is ready to be the symbol (nişane) of the value you put on yourself and your loved ones with unique and sophisticated fragrances and elegant touch of its artistic collections designed with utmost care

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